The main threat to manatees involves watercraft-related deaths and injuries. The first plan of recovery is to effectively reduce the number of manatees killed by human vessels. The goal is to limit the speed of these vessels in areas containing manatees so that both manatees and boats have more time to avoid a collision. Manatee sanctuaries and refugees are also being established to essentially prohibit any usage of water crafts. Other more technical solutions are being developed such as devices that emit warning sounds to manatees.
Image by Anita Denunzio
Recently, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has been strictly enforcing boating guidelines through more officers, increasing prioritization of manatee regulation, and task initiatives.
Other implementations Florida mentioned in its recovery plan are propellor guards to prevent manatees from being injured by the propellors on boats, a common injury seen in many manatees. Counties have also promoted overall boater education and continued knowledge of manatee rules and guidelines.